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Hard problems need smart people. That’s why we need you.

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Who is Newfire Global Partners

Newfire Global Partners builds software for some of the most innovative companies in the world.

We are an American IT service company founded in 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts with current operations across 4 continents and 8 countries: USA, Canada, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ukraine, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Our projects focus on solving real-world problems through the use of human-centric technology across industries like  Digital Healthcare, Education technology, Cyber Security, Financial Technology, and Mobile Gaming

We partner with talented techies across engineering, data science, product, and business domains. We hope you’re one of them.


folx logo


Building a digital health platform that serves as a medical service marketplace tailored towards the LGBTQ+ community. The platform allows patients to partner with clinicians knowledgeable in their unique medical needs to order medications, issue prescriptions, and track the history of members who receive FOLX services.

SecureSenior logo


Building a social platform with educational content, activities, and connection opportunities that will help ease loneliness and diminish isolation, fostering the potential for a healthier, more balanced, and enjoyable life for our senior populations. The belief is when a senior citizen’s daily activities include meaningful engagement with like-minded people in a safe and secure environment, their mental and physical well-being will both elevate.

Bios logo

TeamWork Healthcare

Helping with the creation of the TeamWork Healthcare marketplace platform that connects therapists who provide individualized autism services using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy with families and caregivers of children seeking their services in their own homes. The clinically-driven team uses best-in-class technology to collect and interpret data in order to optimize therapy sessions and help children achieve their potential in all aspects of their lives.

What We Stand For

+ Transparency

+ Communicate openly and honestly

+ Processes that create efficiency, not red tape

+ Insight into organizational decisions and why your work matters

+ continuous improvement

+ A real 360 review process to help elevate your career (and get you paid!)

+ Strong guidance and mentorship from senior team members

+ Company paid courses and exchange programs to help develop yourself, professionally and personally

+ respect for the individual

+ We are professional and expect you to be – no time tracking or micromanagement

+ Acknowledgment of unique backgrounds and perspectives

+ Listening to each other’s point of view and validating their suggestions

We are proud…

to say our team in Latin America is growing rapidly, and we look forward to our ongoing expansions.

Let’s grow together.

Challenging & Meaningful Projects

Create exceptional products with us

You’ll be working on projects with US startups and Fortune 50 companies, from industries such as digital health, FinTech (crypto!), EdTech, MarTech, mobile gaming development, consumer products, and cybersecurity.

Work-from-Anywhere Policy

Get work done, from anywhere

In the comfort of your home, on the road, at the beach, or anywhere in between.
Wherever you find the vibe – we support you.

Professional Growth

A place where your career can bloom

You can expect a clear growth path, career mapping, and regular performance reviews. You can rest assured all your hard work and effort will not go unnoticed.

Flexible Working Hours

Be the master of your time

Our team members are experts and responsible individuals who deliver on time. Therefore, they have our complete trust. That is why we don’t use any time tracking tools and you manage your time as you see it fit.

Benefits and Perks


Exchange rates, inflation, and currency devaluations should be no cause of concern for you because you will receive your salary every time on time and in USD. 

free english lessons at work

Regardless of your level of English, there is always room for improvement, especially when you work in global surroundings and with US-based clients.
Have fun with your colleagues while upgrading your English in super small groups led by an English mentor.


Internal Referral Bonus

As a way to show our appreciation, we implemented our “New Referral Bonus Program.” If your referral is hired, you’ll become eligible for a special bonus ranging from $300 to $2,000. Newfire team members have been super helpful in attracting new talent to build our Family of Professionals. Over the past year, 40% of new hires came from an internal referral.

open-minded environment

There is no time-tracking, you make your own schedule, and we really do not like bureaucracy. What we honestly care about is your opinion. Anything you like or dislike, feel free to share with us.

10 days of annual vacation

We work hard and play hard. However, we also take breaks and time off. And not the kind of break where you have your laptop open on the beach and check your Slack messages. No, we turn off the notifications, block our calendars and hang the sign Vacationing on our profiles. This includes country holidays, too.

Team Building Activities

Remote work certainly has its advantages. But when it comes to meeting your teammates in person and spending some good quality time with them, nothing beats it. And this is what we want for you. We want you to have that good time and pleasure. A memory for life.

Support from your Superiors

For anything, your superiors are here (a click away) for you. Together with them you will define a clear growth path, be included in your career mapping, and have regular performance reviews from your peers and supervisors. Hard problems need smart people, and smart people need support and teamwork.


We are eager to see you improve and grow, especially as technology is changing rapidly and it is important to keep track.
Choose a professional course, development program or certificate and apply for tuition reimbursement or cost coverage.

Long-lasting Client Relationships

We work on meaningful mission-oriented projects with an impact on real-world challenges. In all our projects, we act as a true partner who offers technical expertise and process improvements with on-time delivery. In return, the relationship we build with our clients is strong, stable, and long-lasting. .





Our 3-stage recruitment process

screening interview

technical assessment

job offer

What others say about us

Trabajar en Newfire ha sido un cambio de visión de ver la forma tan abierta en la que el CEO y el CTO interactúan con nosotros. Desde la parte laboral todo ha sido un reto que me ha ayudado a crecer como persona y profesional desde el día 1!

What others say about us

Proyectos que son retadores e interesantes. El CEO y otros líderes de la empresa están muy involucrados con el crecimiento de Newfire. Además de que da grandes oportunidades de trabajar con gente increíble y muy talentosa.

What others say about us

Se trabaja con un gran equipo de desarrolladores, de los cuales se aprende mucho. Los proyectos son Interesantes y diversos, se utilizan tecnologías innovadoras aplicadas a escenarios del mundo real. Da la sensación de pequeña empresa unida y con una fuerte cultura incluso a medida que crece.

There’s no peak…

…we can’t conquer. If we work together as a whole, as one, there’s no challenge we can’t win.

Where are we going next?

Ready to Join?

Good. We are always looking for good people to join our team.

Pop us your CV (in English, please) and letter of application, and one of our recruiters will reach out to you.

See you on the other side!

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